Calculate Your Carbon Footprint

mdi-home Household mdi-car Transportation mdi-chart-bar Result
mdi-homeTell us about your household
mdi-information General
mdi-counter Your age
mdi-gender-male-female Your gender
mdi-account-group Number of residents including yourself:
mdi-home-city You live in a
mdi-recycle Do you recycle items such as metal, plastic or paper?
mdi-food Your diet is mostly
mdi-tree Do you make conscious efforts to reduce carbon emission? Check all that apply
mdi-gas-cylinder Gas Usage
How much cooking gas (LPG) does your household use
Normal (12 kg) 43.5 kg
Note: Average monthly household expenditure for Gas in Brunei was BND4 in 2015/16 (source: JPKE)
mdi-flash Electricity Usage
How much electricity does your household spend on per month?
Note: Average monthly household expenditure on electricity in Brunei was BND 111 in 2015/16 (source: JPKE)
mdi-car How do you typically get around?
mdi-train-car Select all the ways you travel
mdi-gas-station How much do you spend on fuel?
Vehicle {{index + 1}}
Fuel Type

Estimated GHG emission from waste in your household in a year

Your current emissions
{{ TotalEmissionPerPerson }} kg CO 2e/year per person
Global average 4900 kg CO2e/year
It takes
{{ TreeOffset }} trees
to offset your annual footprint
approximately {{ApproxLand}} hectares of land.
Support Green Brunei’s tree planing initiative. ADOPT A TREE
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